Jesse's life at 11 months:
- He has been an especially great sleeper over the past month, still sleeping around 12 hours at night and taking two good naps a day. His naps have gotten a little longer recently, lasting anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hours rather than just an hour or slightly more. He is also sleeping a little later (closer to 7)and putting himself to sleep extremely easily (little to no crying), and I'm hoping that continues.
- Something clicked several weeks ago, and Jesse quite suddenly went from barely eating any solids to eating decent amounts two times a day. He is eating about 4 oz. of yogurt and fruit for breakfast and usually eats pieces of bread, turkey and some type of cheese for lunch along with some fruit. We give him a little bit of whatever we're having for dinner, but some nights he is just not interested. He really doesn't seem to care for green vegetables at all, and is not overly enthusiastic about orange veggies but will usually eat some if offered them. Any time we offer him a new food or a food that he hasn't had very much of, he is very skeptical and has to examine it with his eyes (and sometimes his fingers) before he will put it (or let us put it) in his mouth. I have to hold the food out, let him stare it down and then let him choose himself to take a bite...otherwise he just swats my hand away and gets upset. His favorite foods are yogurt, any type of fruit, bread, turkey, cheese and mashed potatoes.
- Just today he stood for about 5-10 seconds by himself twice.
- He says "mama" and "dada" all the time now. When he was sick he just constantly moaned "mama" (sometimes babbling and other times wanting me) and now that James has a break from school and has been around a lot more, he has really been into saying "dada". We think he might also be trying to say milk when he's hungry, but it's hard to tell (it comes out sounding like "mim" and "mil").
- Until recently, he didn't seem to be phased by another kid taking a toy out of his hands in the tot lot; he would just grab another toy and play with it. Now he is beginning to fight back and gets quite upset when something is taken from him.
I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of things, but you probably really just want the pictures, so here are a few of those:
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