Thursday, June 21, 2012

Random Bits

Here are some random happenings in pictures from the past few weeks.

Jesse is quite a helper around the house.  This week he helped me move grocery sacks from the hallway into our apartment.  He really wanted to move the sack with the gallon of milk in it, but that was a bit heavy so I gave him a lighter sack instead.  Then, he went to work taking everything out of the sacks and putting it all on the coffee table.  He also still loves to "sweep", empty the dust pan into the trash, find random pieces of trash  to throw away, and wipe up dirty spots on the floor. (As a side note, dirt seems to really bother Jesse.  He complains of dirt being on his feet when the floor hasn't been mopped in a while, and he refuses to get back up by himself when he falls on the playground, because this would require him to get his hands in the dirt.  If he has to, he will scoot on his bottom to the nearest toy or piece of play equipment to ensure that his hands don't get messy.  Today he took a good fall off of a bench at the park and when I went to pick him up I knew he was fine because all he could talk about was the dirt all over his face.  He clearly must take after me because I am a real neat freak.)

Jesse also really loves watching a large crane from our living room windows.  Probably every 15 minutes he climbs up on the couch and points out the window saying "tuh" (that's his word for crane but I have no idea what the connection is). Today he discovered that you can see it from other places like our parking lot, too, and he was pretty excited about that.

We have had some pretty hot weather here in Chicago, and when you don't have air-conditioning, you need something like a smoothie to help cool you off.  And if Dad's home, you might even get to sit on the counter to drink it.

When Daddy's home, you also get to do stuff like listen to Jack Johnson on the iPod.  Jesse actually listened for a little bit, which is unusual since his first instinct is usually to yank the ear buds out of his ears.

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