Thursday, December 16, 2010

I'm Still Here!

I can't believe it has been more than a month and a half since I last posted. Life has been busy, but good. I honestly thought I might be bored out of my mind not having a job for the 4 months before Jesse's arrival, but I have found plenty to keep me occupied, especially this last week or two as the nesting instinct has hit pretty hard. Here's a little bit of what I've been up to over the past month or so...

Over Halloween weekend we enjoyed a camping trip to Devil's Den with James' family. Hiking was pretty minimal since my previous attempt to hike at Petit Jean made me sore for days, but we had a great time hanging around the campfire, roasting marshmallows and carving pumpkins. Here are our attempts at pumpkin carving. We both set out with cool stencils, but James had some minor issues with his, and after several failed attempts (you can't see it here, but the other sides of his pumpkin are big holes where the pattern caved in) he settled for the traditional jack-o-lantern look.

The week of Thanksgiving my Mom, Mother-in-law, Sister-in-law and I made a fun trip to Tulsa for a day to do some shopping at Babies R Us and some other stores that we don't have here in Fayetteville. I think we literally spent 3 hours in Babies R Us. That store is huge. And, they have a nice section of gliders/rockers that can be "tested" at the end of the day when two pregnant women are worn out.

Here are Katie, Lisa and I posing with the two cousins-to-be (with due dates just a month apart). I'm thinking Lisa might not be able to fit in between us at Christmas. We'll have to take another photo then.

The same week, we got to enjoy Thanksgiving with both families. We had lunch at the Covingtons' and dinner with my parents and grandmother. We were especially grateful this year, since we now know what it's like to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas away from our families. Jesse even got his own spot at the table for lunch (well, he shared a spot with me):

After Thanksgiving we did some decorating, which mainly entailed putting up the Christmas tree.

This is my personal favorite ornament, although if Jesse comes before Christmas it will no longer be appropriate.

That's a little bit of what we've been up to. This past weekend we had a baby shower, and since then we've been working pretty hard on getting everything put together in the nursery, so I'll leave you in suspense as to the progress we've made there. I'll hopefully have a post about that in the near future (so long as I don't go into labor before then!).

1 comment:

  1. You're just too cute! I'm so excited for you and James!
