Saturday, July 7, 2012

Five Little Ducks

A few weeks ago, James and Jesse were watching some videos together.  They had watched the Five Little Ducks video before, but this time Jesse completely lost it when he saw the baby ducks leaving the Mama duck.  He seriously couldn't handle watching this video and kept saying "good-bye" as tears started welling up in his eyes.  Since then we have shown him the video again, but the same thing happens, so I think we're done with that video for a while.

Anyway, tonight James was giving Jesse his bath and was telling him that in a week he will be getting on an airplane and flying to Germany, kind of like when the ducks go away for a little while.  Jesse seemed to get what James was talking about (somewhat) and kept saying "Daddy, tuh-peh (airplane), fly, duck".  He didn't seem sad at the time, but you can see in the video that he soon got a little emotional over it.  It breaks my heart to see him get sad!