Thursday, August 22, 2013

Baby Max at 32 Weeks

Last week we got to see baby Max on the ultrasound again.  I've had a few requests for his pictures, so for those of you who have asked or care to see, here they are (each one is labeled in the black area so you know what you are looking at).

My OB does a routine 32-week ultrasound with all her patients just to check on growth, and boy is this guy growing! Although ultrasound estimates aren't terribly accurate, the ultrasound tech said he is already somewhere in the ballpark of 5 pounds, which would put us at 9 or so pounds if he makes it to his due date (October 9th).  His stomach and head were measuring between 34 and 35 weeks and his femur was right on track around 32 weeks, so we'll see if he comes a bit early or if he is just a big guy (I'm going to go with him being big in an effort to not get my hopes up in case he makes his appearance late).

Jesse seems to be getting increasingly more excited.  Although I know it's impossible for him to fully grasp all the implications of what is going to happen, I think he understands what's going on pretty well.  He has seen a lot of his friends become big brothers and sisters lately, so that helps.  Just today he told me that he was ready for Max to come out and that he wanted to take him up on a crane.  He definitely doesn't understand that Max is going to be a little baby and unable to participate in all of his grandiose schemes at this point.  I guess since we talk so much about "when Max comes", Jesse has started gauging lots of things based on this event...for instance, when I tell him we have to leave the park and that we can come back another day he will say something like "when Max comes we come back to this park".  Anyway, I look forward to seeing what his reaction really is and seeing their relationship grow.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! 32 weeks already! Time is just flying by. Thinking of you all often and missing you terribly. Wishing we could just go and hang out at the park and chat!
