Saturday, June 25, 2011

Funny Moments

Jesse has found himself in some interesting situations lately:

1) This is how I found him after a nap on Thursday.

He has begun rolling over in his crib, which means more interrupted sleep for us these days, because he rolls over onto his tummy and gets really upset. Last night he slept great, but Thursday night we got up nearly 10 times between the two of us to turn him back over so that he'd stop crying. Unfortunately he has only performed the tummy-to-back roll twice, so he's not so wonderful at getting himself turned back over. And of course, sometimes he just gets plain stuck, like you can see from the picture above.

2) Here he is this morning under his play gym. I think I had to fix it for him five times because he kept knocking it over with his legs.


  1. In the top picture of Jesse stuck in the bed, I don't think he looks like a real baby. He looks more like a mannequin or life size baby doll.

  2. Ben did the same thing, although he hasn't done it in his sleep yet. I love Jesse's look on his face in the last picture. He's like "Oh, that was fun!".
