Friday, June 10, 2011

Home #6

In September we will move into our sixth residence as a married couple, and this doesn't include all the times we've lived with parents during transitions. Whew! That's a lot of moving!

This past week we were assigned an apartment through graduate student housing, and I thought I'd share some pictures of our new abode. We don't have pictures of the inside yet, but here's the outside of our building, the playground, and the "tot lot" (a fun indoor play room for kids that I'm sure Jesse will love, especially in those cold winter months when he won't be able to play outside much).

Lots of people have been asking us if we're really excited about moving, and we definitely are, but we both feel really content where we are right now, here in Fayetteville. It's funny, because with all our other moves we have always grown impatient waiting to get on to the next stage. When we were living in Fayetteville and still in college, we were impatient to graduate and move to Dallas and begin our training for Wycliffe. When we were in Dallas we eventually got impatient to be back in Fayetteville so that we could finish raising support to head overseas, and then when we were back in Fayetteville, we wanted so badly to be in Bulgaria. Then when we were in Bulgaria we realized how good we had it back home; we faced lots of hard things like culture shock, not being able to communicate like we could back home, and ultimately realizing that Bulgaria wasn't where we needed to be long-term.

Even though it took a huge step of faith to come back home, not knowing what was next, it's been cool to see God putting together all the pieces for us. If you had asked us where we would be right now this time last year, we never would have guessed any of this.

I'm sure that as the time draws nearer for us to move I will grow more and more excited, but for now I am trying to make the most of the time left here in Fayetteville, because I know how much I'll miss the family and friends we have here once we leave.

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