Saturday, May 19, 2012

16 Months

I guess it has been nearly a month since I last posted.  After spending a week and a half in Arkansas, it has felt like there is lots to catch up on, and blogging has gotten pushed to the bottom of the list.  I will post about our trip to Fayetteville, but I didn't take along my camera, so I will have to wait until I get pictures from my parents.

I wanted to jot down a few things for me to remember about Jesse at 16 months.  He is changing so quickly!

  • This boy loves to be outdoors.  After spending time in AR, I decided I was glad that we don't have an outside door in our home, because Jesse would be looking outside all day long begging to get out, like he did when we were at my parents' house.  He loves taking long walks, and he especially loves going to the playground and the beach.  
  • His favorite things on the playground are the stairs and slides.  He hasn't yet figured out how to go down the stairs completely on his own (sometimes he seems to think that he can just walk off the stairs and that the air will catch him), so he still needs quite a bit of close supervision.  He loves to go up the stairs and then down the slide and start all over again, over and over and over and over and over.  The other morning we were playing in a friend's backyard and it seemed that all he wanted to do was go down one flight of stairs on their deck and then up another set.  It is exhausting!
  • One of his favorite toys is the shape sorter.  He has gotten pretty good at it, and now knows to turn it over to find the shape he wants to put in.
  • I fear that I might jinx this by saying anything, but he is getting into everything (trash, drawers, and everything else "off limits") much less and is better at playing with his toys. Other people have noticed this about him, too.
  • He is really good at shape, number and letter recognition.  He continues to point them out wherever we go.  We can get him to count to ten with a little help.
  • He loves his books and many days we spend a good bit of time reading.  He will come to me with a book and sit in my lap while I read it, then he will be off to get another one.  We can ask him to go get most any book from his book bin and he will look through his books and find the correct one.
  • He has 12 teeth and is working on at least 2 more.
  • Taking just one nap most days (from 11:30-1:30 or 2), but he can still take two some days if I need him to (for instance, on Mondays we have to keep him out past his bedtime, so he is better rested in the evening if he takes two).  If he only takes one, he is pretty tired by dinnertime, and goes to bed easily around 6:30.
  • Speaking of going to bed, he goes to sleep extremely easily for his nap and at night.  I usually sing him a song, we pray in the evenings, and then lay him down and say good night.  He smiles and says "bye bye" and is usually asleep within a couple minutes.  I think he just loves his sleep.  If he gets really tired, he will ask to go to bed by leading us back to his room.  On Monday night we were at our community group and we could tell he was getting tired, so we asked him if he wanted to go "night night" and he started bouncing up and down and getting really excited about it.

Here is Jesse sitting in his Lil' Zoomers race track.  He thinks it's a pretty good seat. In the second picture he is saying something to Alyse, but I have no idea what.  At one point, they were both sitting on the track, but I didn't have my camera then.

The rest of the pictures were taken yesterday afternoon at the playground.  Jesse is carrying around sidewalk chalk in some of the pictures.  He is much more interested in carrying it around with him than drawing with it.  His favorite game is to carry it to the top of the red slide (below), let it roll down, and then slide down after it.  I think he did this for 15 minutes the other day.

Eating blueberries outside.  They are now one of his favorite foods, and I'm pretty sure he would eat a whole pint of them in one sitting if I let him.

I know I'm biased, but I think Jesse is getting more and more fun everyday!  I remember how long the days could seem when Jesse was just a little baby, but now they seem like a blur of activity (in a good way).  

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