Saturday, October 27, 2012

21 Months

Watching Bob the Builder with his leaves
I skipped a month in the monthly updates, so I'm just going to sum up the past 2 months in this post.

- Last month, I started taking Jesse to a Music Together class.  He absolutely loves it, and after our first time he kept talking about "menen tass" (music class).  He woke up the next morning talking about it and would randomly mention it every day that week.  We have a CD of the songs that we try to listen to most days, and Jesse definitely has several favorites that he requests for me to play "again".  He likes to pipe up and "sing" in class when the teacher does his most favorite song, "Ram Sam Sam".

- Jesse loves to be on the go.  If I ask him what he wants to do, he usually tells me that he wants to go to the aquarium (kee-uh), the Idea Factory (dee-faht), or Harold Washington Park (washun park).  Of course, most days we don't venture out to any of these places, but he would be perfectly happy if we did.

- Jesse loves exploring new parks and playgrounds, and to keep things interesting for me, I made it our goal to try all the parks in Hyde Park (we are now lacking 4, I think).

- Goes to bed a little bit later now, between 7 and 7:30, instead of between 6:30 and 7:00.  I wish this made him sleep later in the morning, but he still seems programmed to wake up at 6:00 on the dot most days.  The later bedtime does, however, seem to make his naps longer most of the time.  He usually goes down around noon, and stays asleep for 2-3 hours.

- He's still a really great eater most of the time.  Dinner is hit or miss, mostly because the things I fix are not as predictable for him, but he usually eats a great breakfast and lunch as well as a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack.  His favorite breakfast right now is oatmeal and raisins and his favorite lunches are cheese quesadilla or homemade macaroni and cheese.  He has also proven himself to be a great vegetable-eater lately, begging for things like cauliflower and carrots and red bell pepper. I hope this sticks, but I'm not getting my hopes up!

Jesse finds all the traffic cones in Chicago
- Current obsessions are pumpkins (more on that later), traffic cones, fire hydrants (which are pronounced fada hada), anything construction-related, and picking leaves, flowers and berries from plants.  He and one of his buddies stripped all the berries from the ivy growing on our playground, and Jesse is quite distraught that I am not willing to help him reach the berries that are too high for him.  If he discovers any berries or leaves to pick on a playground, then he completely forgets about the playground equipment and becomes completely engrossed in the bushes.

- Seems to have a concept of what 1 and 2 mean, but for any group of items greater than 2 he says "1, 2, 4, 6".

- Just a couple days ago he randomly started identifying and naming colors correctly (red, green, yellow, blue and orange). He seemed to have no concept of colors before then, and just labeled everything yellow whenever I asked him what color something was.

- He loves to tell us he loves us, but he says "I yuck you" or "I yuck Mommy/Daddy"'s so funny.

- Loves to say "not yet" in a very sweet voice whenever we ask him if he's ready for a bath or ready to brush his teeth or other similar things.

- This is a really random tidbit, but something I want to remember.  Jesse has a word he has been using to refer to umbrellas and it has always (for months and months now) sounded like gihweh.  It finally dawned on me a couple weeks ago that he has been calling umbrellas "get wet", probably because I would always tell him that they help you not to get wet.  I think he has the concept a little backwards, but it's pretty cute.

- One of his favorite things to do at home is build towers with his blocks.  He also really loves his number train (each car is a different number and has a corresponding amount of holes where you can stick pegs).

- He prefers to "read" books to us as opposed to us reading them to him.  One of his new favorites this month was The Biggest Pumpkin Ever, which led to his pumpkin obsession.  

- Will tell me what he did at church or Bible study or at a friend's house.  Yesterday I was talking to him about playing at a friend's house and he kept telling me "pull baby wipes".  My curiosity got the best of me, so I asked my friend if there happened to be any baby wipes laying around her it turns out, he and his buddy had emptied the entire box.  At least he was honest, right?

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