Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hodge Podge

The last month and a half seems to have gotten away from me without a single blog post.  Life has been busy around here, and we are so looking forward to "spring" break next week so we can catch up on family time and just enjoy having some down time.  We have also been somewhat cooped up inside, as the temperatures have barely climbed out of the 20s and 30s (and currently the 10-day forecast doesn't look too promising!).  We are definitely looking forward to spring, but we have managed to keep plenty busy with trips to the library, music class, lots of play dates, and visits to the aquarium.

I have a bunch of random pictures from my camera, so I will just share a few.

Jesse loves the snow.  He is admiring it from his bedroom window. It happened to be falling very heavily when I took this picture, but you can't tell.

Jesse got to ride his first school bus several weeks ago.  Our church met downtown one Sunday, and anyone who wanted could opt to ride the bus in order to avoid having to find parking.  As James said, it was well worth the $4 we paid to ride, because Jesse loved it.  He was especially enamored with the emergency exits in the roof of the bus and talked about them for days.  In this picture below, he was pretending that these holes in his toy shelf were emergency exits and he was putting all his toys through them.

Lately I have been putting Jesse in his room with the gate up while I shower in the mornings.  I let him pick out a few toys to take in there, but 90% of the time he ends up dragging all the books off his shelf and looking at them.  Thus, the room looks like this:

One night James and Jesse were playing and Jesse all of the sudden said "Jesse be like Daddy" and plopped himself down on the floor in the same position as James.  So cute.

Legos are a daily activity here.  Jesse may have had some help with this creation :)

He has been really into wearing my boots lately, and he also thinks it is hilarious to fill them with blocks.


The past week he has been really into his ABC puzzle.  It is what he wants to do in most waking moments.  I found him in his room like this the other day.

At the end of February we (Tot Lot Committee) threw a big birthday party for all the Tot Lot kids.  The kids seemed to have a blast and still talk about it.  We had crafts, played pin the tail on the donkey (well, mainly the older kids), did some other fun party games like Ring Around the Rosie and London Bridge, and of course ate lots of cake and other goodies.


Jesse LOVED the cake, and I had to watch him like a hawk to make sure he didn't sneak bites before it was time.  He wouldn't focus on anything until he got a piece.

The craft table.  We decorated paper cupcakes and bags for the party favors.

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