Friday, March 29, 2013

Sweet Home Chicago

It's finally official! After months of writing applications (James, not me) and more months of waiting, we finally know where we will be next year, and we are thrilled to announce that it is Chicago!  I'm so proud of James and all the hard work he has put into his MA program here at U of C, and I have no doubt he will do wonderfully in the PhD program here as well.  I know it has not always been easy for him to balance school, work and family life, but he has done it so well. 

Not only are we happy to avoid another move, but we truly love Chicago.  There is so much to do here, even just right here in Hyde Park, and I was having a hard time imagining living anywhere else, although I'm sure I would have been able to get excited about the perks of living a more suburban life if I had to.  I think that the long, long winters are even a fair trade-off for all the things we love here (of course, I say that today when it is bright and sunny and "warm"--well, if the mid-40s count as warm).  Anyway, Chicago it is for the next many (7+) years!



  1. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you guys!

  2. That's exciting! Steve and I need to come visit you guys soon, because we miss little Jesse (and you and James)!
