Monday, March 25, 2013

Reunion at Wisconsin Dells

This past weekend we enjoyed a weekend spent in a cabin at the Wisconsin Dells with our dear friends and former teammates from our year in Bulgaria.  We hadn't seen them (except via Skype) since we left Bulgaria two and a half years ago.  It was so wonderful catching up with them and hearing about everything going on in their life and ministry now.  It was also great to see Samuel, who was just a baby when we left and is now nearly 4 years old, and also meet their youngest son, Joshua, who is 15 months old. 

Jesse and Samuel didn't take long to warm up to one another and were "best friends" by the end of the trip.  They loved chasing each other around the cabin, but their favorite activity was getting in the big jacuzzi tub together and pretending it was their boat.  At one point they had transferred all the legos from the living room into the tub.  Unfortunately, though, Jesse was in there by himself once and he accidentally turned on the motor, which frightened him pretty badly (he told me the tub was moving....poor guy, he probably thought the boat was going to take him away) and deterred him from more play in the tub.

I think the closet became a boat at one point, too, and they were taking a snooze.

The duplos and train set were a huge hit, too.

The boys liked to sit by each other at meals.  Samuel would say silly things and crack Jesse up.

Joshua was pretty busy running around from place to place, but I finally managed to get him in a picture here.

We did lots of eating on this trip, which included trying out some Wisconsin cheese (cranberry chipotle cheddar....yum!).  Here is James grilling burgers for lunch on Sunday.  As you can see, there was quite a bit of snow on the ground, and it was actually snowing a little when I took this picture.

We spent almost all of our time just hanging out at our cabin and letting the kids play with each other.  It was a very low-key, relaxing trip.  While it is sad that we don't get to see each other very often (and sad that our kids don't get to grow up together like we once thought they would), it is also encouraging to see the different paths God is leading us down and it is also fun to reminisce on the days we had together in Bulgaria.

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