Saturday, October 26, 2013

First Trip to the Library

While my Mom was here, we got out one morning and took a short trip to the library.  Jesse needed some new books, and it was a nice fall day for a walk.  Max slept the entire time while I found some new books to check out, and while Jesse and Nana built towers with the blocks.  Our local library leaves a lot to be desired, but they scored a lot of points in my book by putting out some fun toys.

Jesse likes to help push Max in the stroller:

In the elevator on our way out:

Max was fast asleep as soon as we got going.

We took a nice, leisurely stroll there.  Jesse enjoyed collecting leaves along the way.

This was Jesse's Willis (used to be Sears) Tower.  He is really into building these days, and the Willis Tower is one of his favorite things to build.

1 comment:

  1. So fun that they have put toys out! Nice to see the Bundle Me...brings back memories. Miss you guys!
