Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Slikovni Slovar

Jesse absolutely loves his Slikovni Slovar (an English-Slovenian picture dictionary that his Uncle Matt and Aunt Elizabeth gave him for Christmas). He has so much fun looking at all the pictures on each page and seems to especially enjoy the transportation and bath pages. It's fun to watch him recognize and name different objects that he already knows, and to point to things he wants to know about. For a while he was really fixated with the hand mixer on the kitchen page and would constantly point to he says "mih" whenever he sees it.

Just to give you an idea how much he really loves this book, here are some pictures. Jesse never, ever stays still or allows us to hold him for extended periods of time, but he will snuggle up with us to look at this book for ten to fifteen minutes at a time.

1 comment:

  1. It's only appropriate that he is all about learning language.
