Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Play Date

Jesse and Alyse had a little play date this morning. I just had to snap some pictures since they were both dressed in their Valentine's attire. Jesse has a long way to go in making impressions on girls. Right now he gets their attention by chasing and rough pats on the head.

Playing quite nicely side-by-side:

This was Jesse getting really excited about the camera that I was holding:

Here they are playing with my phone, which they used this afternoon to call/text numerous people in my address book. The ironic thing was that somehow 3 out of 4 grandparents were contacted in some way, either by text or phone call.

Here is Jesse taking some steps this afternoon:

And playing peek-a-boo with me:

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE our playdates with Jesse! Today Alyse was playing with an old phone and I said, "Who are you calling? Daddy? Grandma? Jesse?" And she pointed to the door and said, "Chesee". So fun that they (and us!) get to be buddies for our time in Chicago!
