Monday, October 31, 2011

Fighting Sleep

Jesse has not wanted to sleep today, and I think it's because he has some new skills (i.e. pulling up) that are far more entertaining than sleep. At the moment he is sleeping peacefully, but I'm expecting that it could end at any moment. After playing in his crib for nearly an hour he finally fell asleep, but then woke up after less than 30 minutes of sleep, so I ignored it and after 15 minutes of screaming he is now back asleep, hopefully for longer this time because he really needs it. He was in there playing for much of the hour before he fell asleep, but at one point it got really quiet, so I tiptoed back there to take a peek at him and heard a soft scratching sound. When I poked my head in the door I could see that he was most definitely not asleep, but he was standing up and scraping his teeth on his crib railings. Not only this, but he had apparently been doing so for awhile, because he had brown stains from the crib wood all over his looked like he had been out playing in mud. Anyway, I couldn't resist taking some video of Jesse's playtime. I probably wasn't helping him fall asleep by going in there and taking video, but he was too cute.

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