Saturday, January 14, 2012

Birthday Cupcakes

To make a long story short, we had to postpone the party that we had planned to do with some of Jesse's play group buddies. My poor parents have gotten sick here, so we decided that I would just have the party at Jesse's play group on Monday.

Since James will be in class on Monday, we decided to go ahead and give Jesse his cupcake today. I found a very yummy recipe online for banana cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. They were a winner with him (that is, after he got over the foreign taste of the cream cheese frosting).

Skyping with Grandmama and Granddad while he ate his cupcake:

Come on, enough with the singing, let's eat...

Actually, I'm not so sure what I think about this...

Maybe a little frosting wouldn't hurt...

Maybe that wasn't such a good idea...

Nope, not a good idea at all. This is super sour...

Maybe it will taste better if Daddy feeds me some...

Yes, much better now...

Boy, this frosting sure is fun to play with.

Daddy, this stuff is good. You really need to try some, too.

But not you, Mama. You're in trouble.

Real big trouble. I'm not happy with you.

Just kidding. I love you, Mama. May I have some more tomorrow and every day after that?

Ahhh...sure is nice to get cleaned up and sit back and relax with a belly full of cake. Now let's Skype some more...


  1. Your captions with these pictures were great, made me laugh out loud! Thanks for Skyping with us so we could see his reaction to the cake and visit for awhile. I'm impressed with how well he is interacting with a Skype conversation.

  2. Oh. My . Gosh! I love it! He is so cute! I know I say that every time haha...
