Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fun in the Snow

After an unusually mild start to our winter here in Chicago, it has finally started getting cold and snowy. It snowed all day yesterday, and we woke up to really large flakes this morning. After lunch we went outside to the playground and let Jesse get down and play a little bit in the snow. Much to my surprise, he was actually pretty happy in it. I was expecting him to start screaming after sitting in it for 5 seconds, but he seemed quite intrigued by it. I'm looking forward to this time next year when he'll probably be asking us to take him outside to play in it.

Getting all bundled up is never the fun part of playing in the snow.

Especially when you have to put on so many layers that you can barely sit up (this picture was actually taken last night before we ventured out for dinner, but the same thing happened today and this time he toppled over).

But it's really exciting to see all the white, fluffy stuff.

It sure is cold when you try to eat it (thanks, Daddy, for offering).

Unfortunately, all my layers don't make it very easy to crawl around
But maybe if I get up on my knees I can start moving.

Daddy said that making snow angels would be fun. I beg to differ.

But going down a snowy slide was a blast!

Here's some video footage for the Grandparents. If you listen for it, you might hear Jesse saying "Brrr....Brrr..." at one point.

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